
What is your mission statement?

This week, I’d like to take a moment and go back to our roots. Miami Beach has certainly undergone a series of transformations since the Chamber’s humble, yet enthusiast beginnings in 1921. But one thing that has remained constant over the past 90 years is our mission. The Chamber statement is simple:

To promote the economic well-being of Miami Beach’s citizens, to improve the quality of life for the entire community, and to communicate the view of the business community on major issues of public policy.

I stand by the notion that it is in fact the people that deliver on an organization, a community. However, there needs to be an anchoring force that focuses these people’s passion and ensures their efforts are maximized in the right direction. A mission statement does just this. At the Chamber, we have grown from a small umbrella stand to a state-of-the-art facility, and have capitalized on the Art Deco Renaissance, Rat Pack days and celebrity flockings. But throughout all the glamour, the our mission statement calls us back to business.

To enjoy the art, culture, environment, social causes and general beauty of our environment, we must be economically viable. I go back to my mantra, “ a rising tide lifts all boats” – it’s not about just a few select companies, everyone should be working together to assist each other, in all fields, to achieve a well-rounded and sustainable city.

As members, we should be remembering just that. Help all your fellow members and businessmen, even if they don’t immediately seem connected with your industry. Business is more intertwined than first meets eye both economically and socially and what might not initially seem to benefit you directly at first could very well lead to long-term success in terms of your company and/or the growth and offerings of the neighborhood in which you also live and play. Most importantly, our mission statement reminds us to use our business savvy for good: to ensure that our efforts are minding the entire community, and that the results trickle down to all Miami Beach’s personal and professional residents.

We thank our members as the driving force behind the Chamber’s many mission accomplishments. Now, take a moment to reflect on your own business….What is your mission statement?

At your service,
Jason Loeb

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